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Poetry by Jess Rush | Self-help Book and Summer Storm

‘Summer Storm’ and ‘The Self-Help Book Says Don’t Serve Two Masters' are poems written a year apart by award-winning poet, Jess Rush.

Summer Storm July, 2020

The Self-help Book Says Don’t Serve Two Masters, July 2021

Benjamin Rush was a Founding Father and early physician of mental health. He is known for treating patients with a behavioural therapy called the rotational chair.

About Jess


Jess is a poet, portrait photographer, and singer-songwriter. She attends Connecticut College for English, French, and Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies. She was the recipient of the 2020 Benjamin T. Marshall Prize for Excellence in Poetry and the 2021 Sara Ensign Cady Prize for Spoken Word. She has work published or forthcoming in Magus Mabus, Cadenza, and Inkwell, and is the author of two chapbooks, Chimera and An Extremely Cold Place. She dreams of splitting her time between Manhattan and Moustiers Sainte-Marie, surrounded by cats and coffee.