Become a
We are always open for contributions!
Now more than ever, we want to use our small but growing platform to share art and stories from diverse voices.
Our online platform is always open for contributions, from visual art across all mediums and genres, to articles and creative writing. Our team are also looking to cover social issues and creative events, as well as artist features or interviews - highlighting artists in Glasgow and across the world
We are particularly interested in themes of resistance, including women's rights and issues, Anti-Racism, LGBTQ+ liberation, current social and political events. or really anything in which you are truly passionate about.
Please email all contributions to disobedientmagazine@gmail.com with your name, where you’re based, and a short biography about you and the work you’re submitting (you can download a contribution form here).
Written Submissions
Written submissions can be send as PDF, Microsoft Word, Google Doc or just copy and pasted into the email.
Visual Submissions (photography & illustrations, etc)
These can sent within an email or via cloud storage such as Google Drive or WeTransfer. Please state what equipment you used, models, and locations (if applicable).
Currently Disobedient has no funds and is run solely by volunteers, therefore we cannot pay our contributors for their work. This is something we hope to change in the future.
Disobedient Online Submissions
Disobedient Online contributions can be anything listed above but also extends to comics, short films, documentaries, music, the list is endless!
These can be submitted through any format you wish as long as uploadable to the site. You can also send us YouTube/SoundCloud links. Please also state locations/cast and crew used for videos (if applicable).
Join the Team
We are open to expanding the team behind Disobedient! If you share our vision and have a particular interest in an area of art or journalism, please don’t hesitate to contact us.